Bad Credit Accounts

Bad Credit Accounts

Do you have bad credit?

Many merchant service providers will not provide a merchant account to individuals with a history of bad credit.

You can come across complications with bad credit if:

  • You have defaulted on loans
  • You or your business has declared bankruptcy
  • You are behind on payments to your credit accounts
  • You have or have had judgement and liens placed against your business or yourself

Your business cannot succeed without the ability to accept payments. We understand the importance of affordable and reliable credit card processing for bad credit merchants.

Bad Credit Approval

High Risk Advisors specializes in bad credit approval. We provide merchant accounts for individuals with bad credit. Once approved, your business can accept multiple forms of payments, including credit, debit and ACH.

Our experienced management team will help you build credit, increase business revenue, and find the right bank to approve your merchant account.

We provide a simple and secure processing solution for individuals with bad credit, and ensure that your business will maintain a merchant account and accept payments in the future.

Get Approved Today!

HighRiskAdvisors will get you approved for a bad credit merchant account. We also offer third-party chargeback prevention programs and advanced tokenization technology to ensure a secure payment process. Simply fill out our contact form and we’ll take care of the rest.

Get approved today!

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