Offshore Merchant Accounts

Offshore Merchant Accounts with High Risk Advisors

Our offshore merchant accounts are perfect for businesses who don’t qualify for a U.S. high risk merchant account.

Who Needs an Offshore Account?

Offshore credit card processing is ideal for a business with any of these qualities:

  • High-ticket sales
  • Excessive chargeback history
  • Highly regulated industry
  • Poor or no credit history
  • An industry that U.S. banks and processors are unwilling to support

High Risk Advisors also accepts multicurrency merchant accounts that allow your business to process transactions in several different foreign currencies.

Offshore Industries

Any business with a high chargeback history, bad credit, or high average ticket cost can be considered high risk, but many businesses use offshore merchant accounts because their industry cannot get domestic credit card processing.

Here are some examples of offshore industries:

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Advantages of an Offshore Merchant Account

Higher/unlimited processing volume:

U.S. businesses will often use an offshore merchant account when they need extra processing volume because these accounts typically do not have set volume limits. If you maintain open communication with your payment processor, you will typically have unlimited processing. In addition, chargeback ratio thresholds are more flexible than U.S. banks. Funding time frames will vary depending on merchant type.

Flexible underwriting standards:

Business owners will also use an offshore merchant account if they conduct business in an industry that makes it difficult to get a merchant account in the U.S. With an offshore merchant account, the bank is located outside of the U.S., so the underwriting rules and regulations can be significantly different than a U.S. bank. For this reason, it becomes much easier for high risk businesses to obtain a merchant account.

How Do I Get an Offshore Merchant Account?

High Risk Advisors provides comprehensive offshore merchant accounts. We also offer third-party chargeback prevention programs and advanced tokenization technology to ensure a secure payment process. Simply fill out our contact form and we’ll take care of the rest!